
Levelling and sharpening

There are automatic functions of memory. Sharpening is when we remember small details in retelling of a memory. Levelling is when we leave out parts of the memory.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, What to remember, Reduce events and lists,

Levels of Processing model

We tend to remember things that have more depth of mental processing.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, What to remember, Store memory differently based on the experience, memory,

Linguistic relativity

The languages you know influence your cognition and world view.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Avoid Irreversible decisions, Simple or complete over complex, ambiguous,

Loss aversion

We prefer to avoid making a loss over making a profit of the same value.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things,

Magic number 7+-2

Number of items that can be held in short term memory: 7 +/- 2

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Simplification of Probability and Numbers,

Memory inhibition

Memory inhibition is the ability **NOT** to remember irrelevant information.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, What to remember, Reduce events and lists, memory,

Money illusion

People mistake the face value of money(the amount of money) with the real value(what it can buy).

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Simplification of Probability and Numbers,

Moral credential effect

A previous 'good' behaviour will make it easier to do 'bad' behaviour.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Jump to conclusions using stereotypes,

Moral luck

Assigning praise or blame of an action based on outcome even if its not fully in their control.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Not enough meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Motivated Reasoning

We tend to accept/believe more easily and with less scrutiny things we think are correct.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information-overload, Notice Confirmations,