
Semmelweis reflex

A 'reflex' like tendency to reject opposing ideas to what you believe.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Drawn existing beliefs,

Social comparison bias

We have a feeling of dislike and competitiveness towards people who we think are better than us.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, Want to have autonomy and status,

Social identity theory

Social identity is the part of a person's self-concept that is made from their membership in a social group.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, What to remember, We edit memories,


Reactance is the resistance we feel when there is a threat to our behavioural freedom.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, Want to have autonomy and status,

Restraint bias

We overestimate our ability to control impulsive behaviour.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Rhyme as reason effect

We believe that proverbs, sayings etc. are more accurate if it rhymes.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Avoid Irreversible decisions, Simple or complete over complex, ambiguous,

Risk compensation

We adjust behaviour according to perceived risk - we are more risk taking when we feel protected, and more careful when we sense greater risk.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, Feel important and impactful,

Rosy retrospection

We judge past events more positively than we do the present.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Recency bias

More significance is given to a recent event/data/evidence when compared to past events/data/evidence.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,

Reactive devaluation

Tendency to devalue ideas/proposals that comes from an 'enemy'.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Liked or known things are better,