Current mind state is projected(13)

Telescoping effect

Events in the past or future seems more distant(backward telescoping/time expansion) or nearer(forward telescoping) than they actually are.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Self-consistency bias

We believe that we are consistent in our beliefs, behaviours, options, attitudes, etc.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Not enough meaning, Current mind state is projected, memory,

Restraint bias

We overestimate our ability to control impulsive behaviour.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Rosy retrospection

We judge past events more positively than we do the present.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Planning fallacy

We underestimate time required to finish a task.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Outcome bias

Evaluating the quality of a decision after the outcome is known.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Moral luck

Assigning praise or blame of an action based on outcome even if its not fully in their control.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Not enough meaning, Current mind state is projected,


Belief that a society or institution is becoming worse over time.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Impact bias

We **overestimate** duration and intensity of future emotional states.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Hindsight Bias

People tend to think that events could have been easily predictable AFTER the outcome is clear.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, cbias-not-enough-meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Projection bias

We forecast our current preference on to a future event.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Pro-innovation bias

If we see an innovation at work, we tend to believe that it can be applied everywhere without need of alterations.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,

Pessimism bias

We exaggerate the probability of bad things happening to us.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need for Meaning, Current mind state is projected,