Notice primed or repeated(8)

Availability Heuristic

You overestimate the probability of something that you hear more often/remember easily.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated, heuristic,

Recency bias

More significance is given to a recent event/data/evidence when compared to past events/data/evidence.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,

Illusory truth effect

We believe incorrect information to be correct after repeated exposure.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,

Frequency illusion

Once you learn a new word/concept, you see it everywhere.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,

Attentional bias

What we believe/want influences what we focus on/notice.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,

Mere-Exposure Effect

Psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them.

Tagged With: cognition, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,

Context effect

We might not be able to recall information without memory aids/cues that we used at study.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated, memory,

Hot-Cold Empathy Gap

There is a significant difference in how we act in an emotionally charged state(hot state) when compared to your normal state(cold).

Tagged With: cognition, Information Overload, Notice primed or repeated,