Seeing a pattern/meaning where there is none.
Overestimation of ability to interpret and predict outcome when analysing data that shows a consistent pattern.
Perceiving a relation between things(people, behaviours, events, etc) when no such relation exists.
People tend to ignore sample size of data. They forget that variation is more likely in smaller sample sizes.
Belief that someone who has been successful will be more likely to be successful in future attempts.
Memory error - people sometimes have wrong/distorted memories that they are confident about.
Assigning human traits, attributes, emotions or agency to non-human things.
If an unlikely event(that's statistically independent) occurred multiple times, it's less likely to occur in the future.
Tendency to ignore probability when making decisions in uncertain conditions.
We believe that personal experience/anecdotal examples trumps data or logical argument.
Belief that streaks or clusters in parts of random data are non-random.