We want to finish things(11)

Loss aversion

We prefer to avoid making a loss over making a profit of the same value.

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Irrational escalation

When we get negative feedback for an outcome we are invested in, we increase effort towards it instead of altering course.

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Disposition effect

When doing stock investing, we tend to sell off stocks that do well/increase in price - and keep the stock that is performing poorly.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things, behaviour, Behavioral finance,

Unit bias

We want to finish a unit of anything we are consuming - we don't want to stop in the middle.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things,

Sunk Cost Fallacy

People generally put in more investment into a failing thing to win back the investment that has already gone in.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things, decision-making, fallacy,

Pseudocertainty effect

We think of an outcome as certain - but in reality if we zoom out, it would be part of a multi-step process - which in entirety is not certain.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things,

Generation effect

We remember things better if our own mind makes it up rather than when we just read it.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things, memory, memory-bias,

Backfire effect

When we are presented with evidence against a pre-existing belief that we had, we sometimes reject the evidence and hold the belief even more strongly.

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Zero risk bias

We prefer to eliminate risks **completely** in a smaller part rather than reduce overall risk even if the second option reduces risk to a greater extend.

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IKEA effect

We value things much higher if we created them(even partially).

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things,

Endowment effect

We want to keep a thing we own more than we want to get the same thing when we don't own it.

Tagged With: Cognitive Bias, Need to Act fast, We want to finish things, behavioral-economics,